Category Archives: Health Tips

Birth Control Pills (Tablets)

The pill is a type of birth control. It works by preventing the body from producing an egg, which means that there is nothing for sperm to fertilize, and pregnancy cannot occur. Birth control pills can also help with irregular, painful, or heavy periods, endometriosis, acne, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The specific side effects vary widely among individuals, and different pills cause… Read More »

Medina Leaves for Women Health

Always remember that life comes from Allah and everything only  happens with  Allah’s will. Please never loose hope in the mercy of Allah.  I have been very interested to find out more about this leave. Here is some research I have done regarding it. Leaves from Medina also called nabi booti, used usually to strengthen womb and for… Read More »

9 Ways To Obtain Heatless Curls

Are you guilty of excessive using warm devices to curl your hair? We were as well … and our hair was not pleased with us! The reality is, if you have actually convinced on your own that your hair is so uncontrollable that you can’t do without warm styling, you may really be adding to the trouble. Although… Read More »

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin E Oil

This supplement is used to prevent or treat a lack of vitamin E in the body. A low body level of vitamin E is rare. Most people who eat a normal diet do not need extra vitamin E. However, vitamin E supplements are used in premature newborns and in people who have problems absorbing enough vitamin E from their diets. Vitamin E… Read More »

Celery: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts

Crunchy, crispy celery is well known for being low in calories, but its health benefits go far beyond use as a diet food. Celery contains useful phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s a convenient on-the-go snack as well as a vegetable that can be incorporated into cooked dishes, stir-fries and salads.  Unlike some vegetables, celery retains most of its… Read More »

How Can The Body Get Rid Of Typhoid Germs

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Typhoid fever is rare in developed countries. It is still a serious health threat in the developing world, especially for children. Contaminated food and water or close contact with an infected person cause typhoid fever. Signs and symptoms usually include: High fever Headache Stomach pain Constipation or diarrhea Most people… Read More »

How to Remove Whiteheads and Blackheads

Blackheads, much like cockroaches, are the worst for this very reason: Every time you squeeze one of them away, you find dozens more to tackle. (How’s that for a fun visual?) As satisfying as that squeeze may be in the moment, the peskiness of blackheads can wear on anyone. They just keep. Coming. Back. In search of answers,… Read More »

One Solution to Many Diseases

Acne What is acne? It is caused when blocked skin follicles from a plug caused by oil from glands, bacteria, and dead cells clump together and swell. Alopecia Areata What is alopecia areata? It is a condition that attacks your hair follicles (they make hair). In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches. Ankylosing Spondylitis What… Read More »

Incurable Diseases – Causes, Risk Factors, Complications

Allergic diseases – Allergies, or allergic diseases, are conditions in which histamines are released. Types of allergy include food allergies (not to be confused with Food Intolerances or Food Poisoning), atopic dermatitis, allergic , anaphylaxis, and allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever, which is the most common), for example. No cure exists for allergies, but several treatments exist such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, avoiding the allergen, and allergen immunotherapy (also known as desensitization.) Asthma – Asthma is a… Read More »

Skin Disorders: Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permanent, and may be painless or painful. Some have situational causes, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions are minor, and others can be life-threatening. While most skin disorders are minor, others can indicate a more serious issue. Contact your doctor if you think… Read More »