Category Archives: Hair Loss

How do you make herbal hair wash

After all that mess with parabens and sulphates, our hair just wants something it can trust. We’re used to heat styling; curling, straightening, blow drying and the numerous products we put into our hair! Never forget the mousse, dry shampoo, hairspray etc. Of course, this damages our hair! How could it not? We then turn to things a… Read More »

Excellent oil for dealing with all hair problems

Coconut oil, argan oil, olive oil…the list of healthy oils for your hair goes on, but what exactly do these oils do and what are their differences? With an over-saturation of information, it’s easy to get confused about exactly which are the best hair oils for your specific needs. Read on to learn about our 5 favorite hair… Read More »

How to Remove Unwanted Hair Sugar

Everyone has body hair, but depending on the time of year or your personal preferences, you may want to remove some of it.Contrary to many marketing claims, no hair removal treatment can get rid of hair permanently. However, there are a variety of ways to get rid of hair for weeks, months, or longer periods of time.In this… Read More »

How Can We Make Uur Hair Black Naturally?

Essential oils. Face oils. Cleansing oils. There are a whole lot of oils in our beauty routine, but there’s one in particular that we were unfamiliar with until now (and had no idea how much we needed). Meet black seed oil for hair growth, the OG of scalp treatments. WHY SHOULD YOU USE BLACK SEED OIL IN YOUR… Read More »

Women Protect Their Scalp Hair

How to turn gray hair into black permanently at home.Every now and then we look for ways to have shiny long hair. After all, hair is something that can give your face a requisite makeover. According to science, hair grows between 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day, 1 to 1.5 cm a month and 12 to 15 cm a… Read More »

You Are Suffering From Any Disease

Treatment of uterine discharge۔ mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or green liquid water from her vigina. But if these liquid discharges in high amounts and don’t do Likoria ka… Read More »

Causes And Treatment Of Premature Graying Of Hair

The answer lies in a chemical called melanin. The root of every hair strand under the scalp is surrounded by a tube off hair tissue called hair follicle which contains pigment cells. These pigment cells produce the chemical called melanin that gives the hair stand its colour – black, brown, blonde, red et al. When a person grows… Read More »

Royal Gaso Hair Oil

If you are suffering from hair loss, you may have looked at products which contain certain oils that claim to help fight it. In this guide, we look at some of the most popular oils and explain whether you should incorporate them into your hair care routine. Coconut oil Castor oil Olive oil Argan oil Essential oils Pumpkin… Read More »

The Best Hair Extensions

The plum hair color sits somewhere between eggplant and burgundy hair. As it is a natural blend of red and purple tones that is dark but not too dark and flatters nearly everyone. This is one of those style hair colors that are not too out there. So it feels incredibly unique however is proper for all circumstances.Because plum hair… Read More »

Find out what doctors say is the cause of facial hair growth in women

Hirsute (HOER-soot-iz-um) is a condition in women that results in excessive growth of dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern — face, chest and back. With hirsutism, extra hair growth often arises from excess male hormones (androgens), primarily testosterone. Self-care methods and effective treatment options are available for women who wish to treat hirsutism. Symptoms Hirsutism is… Read More »