Category Archives: Entertainment

If you want to know about your personality, choose a house

Besides their phenomenal beauty and versatility, porcelain tile floors have the advantage of being very low-maintenance. Ceramics are made of natural particles that are shaped and fired in a kiln at very high temperatures.This process creates a durability and resiliency that is unmatched by most other flooring surfaces. When glazed, they also have a protective barrier from dirt, water, stains, and… Read More »

Quick And Easy Way To Clean Tile Floors (Bathroom Kitchen)

Besides their phenomenal beauty and versatility, porcelain tile floors have the advantage of being very low-maintenance. Ceramics are made of natural particles that are shaped and fired in a kiln at very high temperatures.This process creates a durability and resiliency that is unmatched by most other flooring surfaces. When glazed, they also have a protective barrier from dirt, water, stains, and… Read More »

Eating Meals in Dead’s House

Cooking isn’t dead in this country. But it isn’t exactly alive and well either. “How is it that we are so eager to watch other people browning beef cubes on screen but so much less eager to brown them ourselves?” Michael Pollan asked, in a scathing 2009 New York Times piece about the great irony of America’s supposed interest in… Read More »

A Jewish scholar passed through a Muslim Area.

Contemporary science has its roots in the work of medieval Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars who set about translating ancient texts with a view to preserving and passing on the precious knowledge they contained. A new touring exhibition by the Austrian National Library focuses on this heritage. As the organisers say, the significance of this transfer of knowledge… Read More »

Dowry Is A Curse

Dowry a dreadful and unethical practice. Nowadays dowry has become a part of wedding ceremonies. If we say that this is common thing among the illiterate or uneducated people, we will be wrong because educated people are also involved in this evil. Dowry is a social evil which affected our society very badly. It is the cause of… Read More »