Category Archives: Entertainment

Quranic Dua for Finding Lost Things

By the name of omnipotent and merciful Allah, Molvi Ji is now offering this powerful prayer for the finding the lost things. These prayers have been taken from Holy Quran, that is the reason these prayers also called as Quranic Dua. It is mentioned in the holy Quran that the person, who lost something valuable to him, can use this Quranic Dua to find that… Read More »

12 Habits of Highly Intelligent People

Marriage is wonderful, but it takes work. Whether you are newlyweds or have been married for a long time, there are rough patches in any marriage. If you feel like you need to up your game, there are some steps you can follow to make your wife happier every day. Appreciate her. Married couples can get comfortable with each… Read More »

What Causes White Marks On Nails

Leukonychia is where white lines or specks show up on your finger or toenails. This is an extremely regular issue and entirely harmless. Numerous sound grown-ups have these spots sooner or later in their lives, so creating them is likely not an indication of a genuine medicinal condition. For a few people, the white spots may show up… Read More »

You Must Do this Wazifa Before Bed

Had a tough and busy day today? Managed to perform only compulsory prayer? Did not get time to touch the Quran, recite few supplications or perform optional prayers? Conquered the world? Now what? Very tired and going to sleep asap without remembering Allah?Please don’t do that! This post contains few good things you can do daily at night just before sleeping to remember Allah… Read More »