Category Archives: Entertainment

Prime Minister Imran Khan announces..

In an ambitious international collaboration, researchers have “mapped” proteins in the coronavirus and identified 50 drugs to test against it. Lisa Miorin, an assistant professor of microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, carrying sterilized trays into a high-security lab to use in a coronavirus study. Working at a breakneck pace, a… Read More »

Qurani Ayat Wazifa For Money Problems

It has been commonly observed that people are suffering from money problems. Even if they are earning handsome amount. The Wazifa for Financial Problems addresses this issue. It might happen sometimes that you are in great need of money to pay off the debt(s). Wazifa for money problems is proven Islamic amal from Hadees. Moment comes in everyone’s life… Read More »

Reducing Hypertension – Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera Juice

The highest pressure reached during each heartbeat is called systolic pressure, and the lowest between two beats is known as diastolic pressure. Most young adults have blood pressure around 120/80. It usually increases with age, even going up to 160/90. Blood pressure is high when these two readings are equivalent to or more prominent than (120/80 – 140/90).… Read More »

200 Years Old Wazifa For Any Disease

Ta-Umr Sehatmand Rehne Ka Shandar Islamic wazifa. Jo koi bhi shakhs is Qurani amal ko parhega use Insha ALLAH zindagi mein kabhi koi sangeen marz na hoga. Is wazifa ki madad se hamesha sehatyab rahenge chahe kitna bhi la ilaj marz kyon na ho. Cancer, HIV, Kidney Failure, Brain Tumour, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Ebola, Nepah, Plague, Influenza A,… Read More »

How to Forget to Crave Junk Food

Here’s a nice side effect for you. Imagine you’re reorganising your thoughts from the ground up. You are releasing old emotions and scars from your childhood. You’re calmer, more focused and less rattled by nonsense. Energy – real energy, not caffeine adrenaline shakes – fills your entire body. Nothing feels the same. Even boring, familiar things like queuing… Read More »

Why Developing an IOS App Is a Valuable Investment for Your Business

While both Android and iOS mobile apps are equally powerful in making a business globally visible to the audience, it is an iOS that can give you more benefits, if you think of long-term. As per Statista reports, the world accounts for more number of Android users apps (nearly 2.5 million) than iOS apps (which is approximately 2… Read More »