Category Archives: Entertainment

Benefits of Surah Waqiah by Wazifa Media

Wazifa to create love in husband wife, Assalamualikum Muslim ummah I want to introduce you powerful wazifa to make husband wife fall in love with each other, Qurani wazifa which keeps all the powers none other than just because noble Quran is the most illustrious book of Allah. Islamic wazifa for husband and wife love relation ship in urdu to solve you… Read More »

What Does Your Birth Month Say About

Using a person’s birth month to determine their personality is an ancient method. Based on standard numerology, your birth month can tell you a lot about yourself. According to scientists and statistics, when you are born can affect your career, attitude, your love life and more! Scroll down to your birth month and we will tell you what your… Read More »

A Prayerless Passenger Run Away

Prayerlessness is not fundamentally a discipline problem. At root it’s a faith problem.Prayer is the native language of faith. John Calvin called prayer the “chief exercise of faith” (quoted in “Enjoying Your Prayer Life,” 12). That’s why when faith is awake and surging in us, prayer doesn’t feel like a burden or an obligation. It feels natural. It’s… Read More »

Old Parents and Five Star Hotel

Book now your family holidays. Little Guest is a unique collection that brings together the cream of hotels designed to accommodate demanding families. Beach, mountain, city, safari … all types of destinations are offered.The selected institutions are located around the world and meet stringent standards, to greatly improve the holidays of children aged from 0 to 12 years but also young teens. For… Read More »

How the Test Tube Works

A test-tube baby is the product of a successful human reproduction that results from methods beyond sexual intercourse between a man and a woman and instead utilizes medical intervention that manipulates both the egg and sperm cells for successful fertilization. The term was originally used to refer to the babies born from the earliest applications of artificial insemination and has now been expanded to refer to children born through… Read More »