Category Archives: Entertainment

When Women’s Markets Were Set Up

ver the last 200 years, economic progress has helped to bring about both dramatically better standards of living and the extension of individual dignity to women in the developed world. Today the same story of market‐​driven empowerment is repeating itself in developing countries. Competitive markets empower women in at least two interrelated ways. First, market‐​driven technological and scientific innovations… Read More »

7 Things Doctors Wish You Knew About Your Feet

So the doctor is recommending foot surgery. You were hoping for another outcome, of course. But you probably had an idea that this was coming. With the date coming up, you’re starting to wonder: Did I make the right choice? Am I ready for this? Is it going to work? We hear you. We do a lot of… Read More »

What is Adultery?

I saw him in class. I could tell right away there was something different about him. He wasn’t a flirt and he certainly wasn’t disrespectful. The more I got to know him, the more I knew Chris was the one. The one I would spend my life with. The one I could give my heart to. The person… Read More »

Why is a Wife Healthier than a Husband After Marriage?

Both married men and unmarried men of a certain age, may remember the tune, if not the words: Love and marriage, love and marriage,Go together like a horse and carriage.This I tell you, brother,You can’t have one without the other. Much has changed, obviously, since the horse and buggy days. And when it comes to marriage, there have… Read More »

Is non stick cookware harmful to health

Spending each morning at the kitchen sink scraping at the charred remains of breakfast gets tedious after a while. Non-stick cookware may seem like an appealing alternative — but is it safe? Usually when people inquire about the safety of their non-stick cookware, they’re talking about the brand Teflon, said Suzanne Fenton, a reproductive endocrinologist at the National… Read More »

The Doctor killed his Son

Unidentified gunmen shot dead Dr Syed Ali Haider and his 11-year-old son in the Gulberg area of Lahore on Monday, Express News reported.According to eyewitnesses, the doctor was passing by the FC College at 8am when unidentified gunmen intercepted his car and opened fire at it.Dr Haider died on the spot, while his son sustained injuries. The child succumbed to… Read More »