Category Archives: Entertainment

What to Do When Someone Dies at Home

If somebody dies at home unexpectedly and they are alone, it is called an unattended death. Because body decomposition begins as soon as the person dies, it is imperative to be aware of the potential health hazards that come with finding a dead body in a residence.  Bodies that aren’t discovered for days can quickly decompose, especially in warm climates, causing bodily… Read More »


While legitimate children were seen as the property of the father, illegitimate children were seen as the property of no one. Such a child was nullius filius and had no legal relationship with his or her parents. The early bastardy laws were aimed at preventing illegitimate children from becoming a charge on the community—and attempted to do so by punishing… Read More »

How to save a sinking ship

I am one of several department chairs at a proprietary college. Since I have been here, we have had four people rotate in and out of the dean’s position; the most recent having been marched from the building yesterday. We have had every leadership style from overbearing micromanagement to completely oblivious apathy. When considering applicants for this position,… Read More »

The best and effective weapon against grief, anxiety, sorrow, suffering, diseases and sins

Complicated grief is a recently recognized condition that occurs in about 7% of bereaved people. People with this condition are caught up in rumination about the circumstances of the death, worry about its consequences, or excessive avoidance of reminders of the loss. Unable to comprehend the finality and consequences of the loss, they resort to excessive avoidance of… Read More »

If you also buy such eggs from the shop and eat them, then you must read this once

You read labels, buy fresh foods, and do your best to prepare tasty meals for your family. But one thing that might not cross your mind as you cook is food safety. Why is food safety so important? Proper food preparation protects against foodborne illnesses from bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria (which can cause diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea,… Read More »

Precious prescription for childless

Drawing on fieldwork and interviews from South India (Kerala), the author analyzes married women’s experiences of stigma when they are childless and their everyday resistance practices. As stigma theory predicts, childless women deviate from the “ordinary and natural” life course and are deeply discredited, but contrary to Goffman’s theory, South Indian women cannot “pass” or selectively disclose the… Read More »