Category Archives: Entertainment

Facial Feminisation The Total Package

Feminine features are distinct; they are more elegant, delicate and have a gentler appearance. Naturally, you will be able to recognise ‘male’ or ‘female’ facial features, regardless of a person’s gender preference. However, for some, these defining aspects do not align with their gender. What is facial feminisation?Facial feminisation, or facial masculinisation surgery at the Plastic Surgery Clinic… Read More »

Can You Get Skin Tags On Your Face?

Can you get skin tags on your face, is a simple question to which there is a simple answer. Yes! But if you find one that is quite long, or that one is starting to develop, should you be worried? No. Relax! The answer is almost always, no! Only very rarely indeed is there a deeper problem. Skin… Read More »

Three Keys to Opromize Metabolism Stress, Sleep And Diet

Metabolism accounts not only for weight loss and weight gain, but also for immune system function, energy levels, mood and emotional health, hormonal balance, skin quality, body shape, elimination… In fact, every function you can think of in the body, physiological or mental, can be related to some metabolic process. Thus, conditions like diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart failure,… Read More »


1: The Spike Style The spike Asian men hairstyles have actually been widely popular, where the hair is style to develop layers of spikes. This Asian haircut man is for every age, and including a design item can make it more attractive. 2: The Long Hair Ponytail These Asian men hairstyles one of the most popular, as well as is… Read More »

101 Micro Braids For You

For delicate hairdo, micro braids are a fantastic hairstyle to go. A design that can last for months and also can be styled into any kind of updo. What do I require to consider before I get micro braids?Micro braids are except every person, believe me. After this, if you plan to get a micro-braided hairstyle, you should go to a… Read More »