Category Archives: Entertainment

Let me show you something new today

It always sneaks up on me. Even now. Even though I know the warning signs — I start to tap my fingers impatiently, I begin to feel my jaw clench with irritation… I’ll be in the middle of something (even a meaningless task), one of the kids will ask me a simple question and I just, well — all the… Read More »

Here are some ways to improve your masculinity

Want to feel raw masculine energy coursing through your veins? Maybe you have an important date tonight.Maybe you have an important project to complete.Maybe you want to bring back the spark to the bedroom.Whatever your reason, levelling up your masculine energy is simple when you know how to do it properly. Certain activities encourage your masculine to thrive… Read More »

Pictures of women among non-mahram men

The rules applicable to seeing or looking at a non-mahram woman are not applicable to looking at a non-Mahram woman’s picture or watching such women’s video unless the later is broadcast live. Therefore, if one does not seek to derive pleasure and he does not have lustful intention, and it is it is not feared that he might… Read More »

PODCAST – In Sheikh Jarrah, Palestinians confront a city’s future

A camera operator falls as an Israeli police officer runs after him during clashes with Palestinians at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, in Jerusalem’s Old City, May 10, 2021 [Ammar Awad/Reuters]What started out as protests against forced expulsions in a Palestinian neighbourhood have turned into… Read More »

Urdu translation of an ancient Arabic story

The translation of the Qur’an has always been a problematic issue for Islamic theology, for the essence of the Qur’an is considered to be untranslatable. However, the text must also be accessible to those who do not speak Arabic Below we have gathered together some key linguistic and historical references. The process of transposing the Qur’an into another… Read More »

The difference between a graduate nation and a skilled nation

Global mega trends such as the rising role of technology, climate change, demographic shifts, urbanization, and the globalization of value chains are changing the nature of work and skills demands. To succeed in the 21st century labor market, one needs a comprehensive skill set composed of:  Cognitive skills, which encompass the ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively… Read More »

Applications for the Speech Impaired

Speech impairment affects people in the way they create sounds to form words. Some of the most common forms of impairment are stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. Affected people are not able to say what they want to say even though they are fully aware of what they need. This becomes a major problem for most people as they… Read More »