Category Archives: Entertainment

Angels Laugh At Woman’s Coffin

Jibrīl, also spelled Jabrāʾīl or Jibreel, in Islam, the archangel who acts as intermediary between God and humans and as bearer of revelation to the prophets, most notably to Muhammad. In biblical literature Gabriel is the counterpart to Jibrīl. Muhammad was not initially aware that Gabriel was his intermediary, and the Qurʾān mentions him by name only three times. It is clear from the Sunnah and tafsīr literature, however, that Jibrīl became Muhammad’s constant helper. He and… Read More »

Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Emperor of India

Bahādur Shāh II, also called Bahādur Shāh Ẓafar, (born October 24, 1775, Delhi, India—died November 7, 1862, Rangoon [now Yangon], Myanmar), the last Mughal emperor of India (reigned 1837–57). He was a poet, musician, and calligrapher, more an aesthete than a political leader. He was the second son of Akbar Shāh II and Lāl Bāī. For most of his reign he was a client of the British and… Read More »