Category Archives: Entertainment

Recognition of love

think it is generally the case that people agree with Tennyson’s famous line (often misattributed to Shakespeare), but it’s often for reasons which are superficial. Often it has to do with the wonder of the experience of romantic love — that emotional insanity which is unlike any other. But aren’t we selling love short when we reduce it to merely… Read More »

Pregnancy Symptoms: 14 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? You may not realize that you’re pregnant since early pregnancy symptoms can mimic signs of your menstrual cycle. Maybe you and your partner have been trying to conceive, or maybe you’re just wondering if pregnancy is the reason for your recent body changes. Home pregnancy tests may produce a false… Read More »

Uric Acid And Cholesterol

Background: Uric acid, the final product of purine catabolism, has been associated with dyslipidemia, most importantly hypertriglyceridemia. But studies on the relation between uric acid and lipid parameters in the Indian population have been minimal. Methods: Relation between serum uric acid and serum lipids in 121 healthy men, aged 34 to 60 years was studied retrospectively. The subjects were stratified… Read More »

Before the Resurrection

This is an interesting and important question. Those in the so-called “Faith Movement” have a version of this that is highly unscriptural. A leading teacher in the “Faith Movement,” Frederick K.C. Price, has said, “Do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die on the cross? If that were the case, the two thieves could… Read More »