Category Archives: Entertainment

Fazal Sahib said to his wife: There were no mobile phones in our time

Across the 11 countries surveyed, people’s attitudes toward mobile phones tend to be largely positive. In most of the countries, a large majority say mobile phones have been good for them personally, and many also say mobile phones positively impact education and the economy. Mobile phone users also overwhelmingly agree that their phones help them to stay in… Read More »

How Eggs Prevent Hair Loss And Aid Hair Growth

Is egg good for your hair? Can we use eggs for hair growth? How do eggs stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss? Let’s see what we can find out! Hair that is healthy, strong, and beautiful might seem like an unachievable goal. This is particularly true if you have baldness or brittleness. However, did you realize that… Read More »

Best Ways to Stop Hair Fall Immediately At Home

Maintain a clean and dry scalp and shampoo three times a week. Dust can cause dandruff, so protect your scalp from them. You may also increase blood flow to your scalp by doing yoga and exercising daily. Summer is beautiful because of the sun, the waves, and the mild weather. In the summer, many of us may notice… Read More »

Easy treatment for all kinds of physical pains

Types of pain There are 2 main types of pain: Pain may be anything from a dull ache to a sharp stab and can range from mild to extreme. You may feel pain in one part of your body or it may be widespread. Pain management strategies Studies suggest that a person’s emotional wellbeing can impact the experience of pain.… Read More »

  The Burden of Patience

The narrative presented above outlines a series of challenges faced by a woman in her marriage, where her husband appears to be indifferent and irresponsible in various aspects of their relationship. The recurring theme throughout the narrative is the call for patience, often attributed to religious beliefs. In this essay, we will explore the implications of these expectations… Read More »

Unlocking the Power of Faith:

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of financial stability and success can often lead individuals down various paths, both ethical and unethical. Many believe that accumulating wealth is the key to solving all of life’s problems. However, it is crucial to understand that misguided beliefs can lead to numerous challenges and disrupt the peace in our lives. The… Read More »

The Tale of Generosity and Compassion

In a small corner of the world, a heartwarming story of compassion and selflessness unfolded. It’s a tale that teaches us the true essence of humanity, where individuals came together to help someone in need, transcending the barriers of language and culture. The EncounterOne day, in a humble dairy shop, Haji Sahib sat, explaining to his diligent employee… Read More »