Category Archives: Desi Totkay

Likoria (leucorrhea) Treatment at Home

Likoria is mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or green liquid water from her vigina. But if these liquid discharges in high amounts and don’t do Likoria ka ilaj early… Read More »

Prescription for all types of allergies

For creatures you can’t even see, dust mites can stir up a lot of trouble. About 20 million Americans are allergic to these little bugs. When you’re one of these people, you may feel as if you have an endless cold or even asthma. Medication can help, and you can also take simple steps to keep the dust mites away. Symptoms to Watch For… Read More »

Eliminates nervous weakness no matter what.

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally۔All things considered, there are characteristic approaches to recover your vision. In the event that you pose the inquiry of how to show signs of improvement vision without glasses, the appropriate response lies in common strategies. The best response to how to improve visual perception without glasses is do some basic eye works out.… Read More »

Reduce enlarged thighs and hips

Reduce enlarged thighs and hips.Excellent drink to get rid of growing …Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting… Read More »

Habits And Factors That Damage The Breast

Through research carried out in the last 25 years about the breast cancer etiology, it has been possible to estimate that less than 10 % of patients who are diagnosed with the condition are carriers of some germline or somatic mutation.The clinical reports of breast cancer patients with healthy twins and the development of disease in women without high penetrance… Read More »

Home Remedies for Pregnancy

Home Remedies for Pregnancy.How many types of tea are there Losing weight is no easy feat. However, a few tips and tricks can help to speed up the process alongside a healthy diet and daily exercise. In fact, there is a myriad of vitamins and minerals to help improve weight loss regimes that you might not even know… Read More »

How To Make Halawa Wax At Home

Fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin are some of the signs of aging.As you grow old,the skin loses its elasticity and this results in sagging. Dehydration, smoking, pregnancy, excessive consumption of alcohol, weight loss and wrong skin products can also lead to skin sagging. Although you cannot reverse the process of sagging, you can definitely delay it or reduce… Read More »

Weakness of the uterus

How many types of tea are there Losing weight is no easy feat. However, a few tips and tricks can help to speed up the process alongside a healthy diet and daily exercise. In fact, there is a myriad of vitamins and minerals to help improve weight loss regimes that you might not even know about. Health experts… Read More »

Excellent drink to get rid of growing ..

Excellent drink to get rid of growing …Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting their discovery as “the greatest… Read More »