Category Archives: Desi Totkay

Unwanted Hair Removal For Women Naturally

Most people know that wearing sunscreenTrusted Source with a sun protection factor (SPF) over 30 can help prevent skin cancer. A 2013 studyTrusted Source in the Annals of Internal, Medicine found that sunscreen also helped delay the signs of aging. While you probably already wear a sunscreen for the beach, wearing a moisturizing sunscreen on your face each day is a habit… Read More »

Does a mans chest hair have anything to do with masculinitly?

Ahh, the menopause journey. No clear starting or ending point, odd diversions, and an estimated time of arrival that could span years. Menopause is certainly a trip. And needless to say, you could use some turn-by-turn directions. First Point of Interest: Perimenopause   Ready, set, perimenopause. In this phase, your body will start providing helpful physical clues that… Read More »

10 Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Hormonal imbalances may be to blame for a range of unwanted symptoms from fatigue or weight gain to itchy skin or low mood. Hormones are chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream. An imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a hormone. Your hormones are important for regulating… Read More »

How Do Experts Recommend Using Vaseline? Learn 6 Ways

There’s a reason why Vaseline® Jelly is known as the original ‘Wonder Jelly’ – because it has a variety of uses, some more unusual than others. It’s such a versatile product, and there are many Vaseline® Jelly uses for beauty. Here are just some of the amazing uses of Vaseline® Jelly that you may not have heard of.… Read More »

If you want to be successful and healthy, then learn the ways of this creature of Allah Almighty!

Besides the pleasures and rewards of the world hereafter, the other major role that religion performs is of teaching moral principles to a person. Moreover, these moral principles are not just to be read or understood, rather they need to be put to practice in this world so that the followers of the religion represent their religion on… Read More »

About Breast Skin Health

Boobs half the world’s got ’em, the other half can’t stop staring at them. But what men don’t know about breasts is all the trouble they cause. We’re not talking about back pain and breastfeeding. Nope, it’s the nipple hair and chest acne that seem to get worse this time of year. As a part of our bikini… Read More »

What are the Benefits of using Tibet Cream

Tibet Snow Cream is the best skin care with exquisite perfume. It is a widely in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh & many other countries. Tibet Snow makes your skin soft, beautiful and fairer. It is enriched with moisturizer, skin nutrients and many BP ingredients. Tibet Snow is very effective in treating rough, chopped or red skin which is caused… Read More »