Category Archives: Desi Totkay

Dr Arfa shares beautiful moments of her life with audience

LAHORE: Alhamra has re-launched its monthly literary and cultural session “Kuch Yaadain Kuch Batain” online through ZOOM due to COVID-19 pandemic. In the first episode of the programme, Dr Arfa Sayeda Zehra, a noted intellectual, educationist and scholar, was the guest. Dr Arfa Syeda shared her experiences and observations with the audience. Sumera Khalil moderated the programme. Opening… Read More »

This Is Why The World Can’t Stop Obsessing Over Biryani

What dinner party is complete without biryani? Biryani is an obsession for people almost all over South Asia from all age groups and it inevitably comes in the top five when we talk about our favorite food. There are quite a few variations in which biryani can be cooked in and a lot of people have different preferences… Read More »

Best Home Remedies to Help with Constipation Symptoms

London: Having regular bowel movements often makes people feel lighter, more energized, and ready to enjoy the next meal. One to two bowel movements a day are considered to be healthy, with one after each meal being optimal. If there is insufficient dietary fiber or water in the diet, the feces will move more slowly and there will… Read More »