Category Archives: Desi Totkay

Unveiling the Priceless Gem: The Diamond’s Lesson to the Jeweler

Diamonds, the exquisite gems that captivate our hearts, hold more than just sparkling beauty. Beyond their dazzling façade lies a treasure trove of lessons for jewelers. As masterpieces of nature, diamonds whisper tales of time, pressure, and transformation, all of which resonate deeply with the art of jewelry-making. In this enlightening journey, we delve into the profound insights… Read More »

How to Reduce Cholesterol Levels in Body and Prevent Heart Disease

In today’s fast-paced world, where unhealthy habits are common and stress is ever-present, taking care of our heart health has never been more crucial. High cholesterol levels can significantly increase the risk of heart disease, a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Fortunately, there are proactive steps you can take to lower cholesterol levels and safeguard your heart. This… Read More »

Instant Detox Diet: Lose Weight and Cleanse Your Body

Your body has sophisticated ways of getting rid of toxins that include the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. As compiled by, there are a few foods, some of which are cooking in your mom’s kitchen that have excellent slimming properties. So save these detoxes drinks and try them instead. Lose weight and cleanse your body… Read More »

Delicious Ways to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

London: For anyone struggling with excess weight and type 2 diabetes, this low-carb plan part of the Mail’s Good Health for Life series could be life-transforming. Here, Dr. David Unwin the NHS GP behind it explains how the plan works, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi gives low-carb recipes, written exclusively for you, that take less than… Read More »

The preferences of nations determine their rise and fall

This article reformulates liberal international relations (IR) theory in nonideological and nonutopian form appropriate to empirical social science. Liberal IR theory elaborates the basic insight that state-society relations–the relationship between governments and the domestic and transnational social context in which they are embedded–are the most fundamental determinant of state behavior in world politics. In the liberal view state-society… Read More »