How to turn gray hair into black permanently at home.Every now and then we look for ways to have shiny long hair. After all, hair is something that can give your face a requisite makeover. According to science, hair grows between 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day, 1 to 1.5 cm a month and 12 to 15 cm a year. Hair also takes credit for being the second fastest growing tissue in the body. But still, we all face one problem or another regarding our hair.
At Bright Side, we wanted to relieve you a little by bringing together some tried and tested remedies to strengthen and grow your hair. You will start seeing the much needed change after following the below remedies.
When you are dying to grow your hair out, getting scissors anywhere near your hair is like a nightmare.However, the reality is just the opposite of what you’re thinking.
It’s advised to get a trim for your hair on a regular basis, and more often if you’re trying to grow it out. Trimming your hair not only gets rid of your broken, split ends,but also helps maintain the health of your hair.No split ends mean the damage won’t travel up to the roots, and you can flaunt the healthier, fuller version of your hair. And don’t forget, it’s much easier to style trimmed hair.