Best Steps to Creating The Perfect Business Loan Package

By | April 1, 2020

Bank lending has really been tight over the last few years. Most business owners now think that the only word their banker can say is “no.”

The reason: This last financial crisis has changed the lending game. Banks and other lenders will not just provide you a business loan because you have a great smile or a novel idea. You have to get in there, roll up your sleeves and really entice them to lend to your business – make them approve you!

Know that when lenders do begin to approve more loans again, the flow of new business loan applications will really flood in. Thus, to ensure that your loan application gets funded, you have to find ways to get your business noticed – making it not only stand out but stand above all the rest.

Here are a few tips to get your business loan application moved to the top of the pile:

Pick the right bank or lender: Not all lenders will emerge from this financial mess in the same position they went into it. Some will have changed their entire lending philosophy. Some will no longer loan to small or mid-sized businesses – focusing only top tier/low risk companies. Some will only provide loans based on companies in certain industries or that have specific collateral. And, some may be out of the business lending arena altogether. So, start with your current bank or past lender and see if or what they have changed in regards to their business loan policies.

Further, all banks and lenders have changed their loan approval criteria. This was not done to hinder businesses from seeking loans but more from the threat of new governmental regulations. Thus, if your business was able to get a business loan or working capital line of credit prior to the financial meltdown – that does not mean that it will qualify for one today or even tomorrow with the same bank or lender.

Collateral and Guarantees: Banks are now more focused on repayment and not just one form of repayment but several. Banks and other lenders always look to current positive cash flow as the first source of repayment. But, that is no longer enough. What happens if you have a slow month or if the economy tanks again? Lenders will start looking for additional (complementary) forms of repayment from sources like personal guarantees or large amounts of and/or highly valued collateral.

Collateral will be key in this new lending market. If you are serious about your business’s future prospects, then you should have no problem putting up collateral against a business loan request. Not only does collateral provide your lender with an additional source of repayment but could really show your banker or loan officer that your business is serious – essentially helping you close the deal.