However, it seems as though carbs actually have an unnecessary rep – as one expert has finally debunked this myth.In particular, personal trainer Terry Fairclough has emphasised that carbohydrates can actually speed up weight loss and help the body to function to the best of it’s ability. The nutritional therapist, from Your Body Programme, said: “These foods are essential for good health as they are full of important nutrients,
antioxidants, enzymes, polyphenols and fibre – which is all the more reason to make sure we aren’t cutting these foods out of our diets.”Yes, it’s true that eating the wrong type of carbs,
in the wrong amounts, at the wrong time of day can contribute to fat gain, but so can eating the wrong type of protein and fat.”Understanding how carbs actually work and how important they are is a huge help in learning how to lose or maintain weight sensibly.”
Here, speaking to Healthista, Terry talks us through the importance of carbs and which ones you should be sticking to for your body type.When we eat a meal or snack, the carbohydrates from that food are broken down into glucose which then circulates the body through our blood.