Benefits of Talbina By Tib-e-Nabvi

By | April 14, 2020

When starting with the day’s meal, it is important that your diet has everything necessary for a healthy brain and body function. Technology has brought us many benefits, however, the use of sugary cereals and fat-rich spreads are not only unhealthy for the person but also addictive if used on a regular basis.These packed foods are deprived of their original nutritional content and mixed with several harmful preservatives that can cause health complications in the long haul.

Holy Prophet S.A.W used to eat dates and drink milk for a refreshing breakfast. Similarly, the use of Talbina recipe full of barley health benefits has been recommended several times a wholesome and nutrition-rich meal especially when consumed as breakfast.

How to Prepare Talbina Recipe

The talbina recipe is made from barley flour milk with the slight flavoring of Honey. It infuses barley benefits with the sweetness and benefits of honey. To prepare a meal of talbina, you need 1-2 tablespoons of whole-grain barley flour and add into one and a half a cup of milk.

Once you have mixed the two in vigorous motion to avoid lump formation, cook on a low heat for 10-15 minutes.The same broth is ideal for being added in soups and stews to thicken the consistency instead of using artificial ingredients.Honey or brown sugar can be added to the flavor and served as breakfast.

Medicinal Benefits of Barley

Barley health benefits are the core of talbina recipe and for all the good reasons as well. It is a member of the grass family Poaceae and an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Benefits of Talbina By Tib-e-Nabvi

The reason why it is so beneficial in contrast to other grains such as wheat is that it is abundant in beta-glucans. Beta-glucans are comprised of the β-D-glucose polysaccharide group which is highly effective in reinforcing the body’s immune system.

It is often recommended to add talbina for weight loss to diet. It contains complex carbohydrates, which are slowly released into the bloodstream. Barley for weight loss is also recommended, as it is a chief ingredient of talbina.

Benefits of Talbina By Tib-e-Nabvi