Our face, hair, body, and nails get enough pampering when it comes to caring for the body. However, when it comes to feet, we generally overlook them in terms of caring. Your feet collect a lot of toxins and must receive equal attention as any other body part. If you feel you do not have enough time during the day to devote to foot care, then nighttime is for you. Applying oil on the feet before sleeping has a long list of benefits attached to it. You can apply coconut, sesame, lavender, and even almond oil and experience a relaxed sleep time.
- Before sleeping, wash your feet with sleep thoroughly.
- Now sit on your bed with your legs spread in front.
- Take a few drops of oil and massage your feet one by one.
- Massage with a firm hand and apply the oil on your soles, between the toes, and in the front.
- Press each toe gently and stroke the length of your foot.
- Continue doing the massage for at least 5-10 minutes for more effectiveness.
- Make sure you do this massage with slightly warm oil for deeper relaxation.
- If you feel your feet are too oily, you can lightly dab an old towel on them.
- Make sure you don’t rub off the oil completely and just wipe the excess oil if any.