Today i am Selena the scientist. I don’t write often about science, even though it is my background, because i feel there are more pressing things to write about in our world. But in this article i want to address a particular misconception about quantum mechanics that particularly riles me.
First of all, i am inspired to write this article by a series of excellent articles on the same topic — nonsense written around quantum mechanics — by Ellen Beth Gill, and i’d urge you to read her work on this topic. For someone without a formal quantum physics background, she shows a grasp of how this knowledge fits into our world that rivals the understanding of some actual quantum physicists that i know, so i am super impressed.
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There is not much i have professional specialist knowledge of, but quantum mechanics is definitely one of those things. I’ll say a little bit more about my scientific background later. There are usually only two conditions whereunder i will say something to try to correct inaccuracies i hear about our knowledge of our natural world and when i do know something of what is being discussed.
Firstly, when someone is holding forth, dazzling others with their “knowledge” and are being condescending to those around them. In short, when some git is being a gimboid about it. Trying to show how much more intelligent they are than everyone else. Keeping everyone around them, especially women, small.
We’re a big brained species. Intelligence is overrated — i meet very few people who do not impress me with their own particular intelligence. We’re born that way, and very, very few people lack intelligence in scads.

There’s no lack of it — the world does not need more intelligence, it simply needs more kindness and co-operation. That’s not to deny the importance of acting thoughtfully and with foresight. But intelligence where humans are concerned is a given. It’s important, but it’s nothing special. Get over it.