Whole districts are submerged, leaving no one above water. Balochistan is completely cut off from the rest of the country. There was a complete loss of all major road and rail infrastructure.
Flash floods caused by abnormally heavy monsoon rains have killed at least 1200 people across Pakistan over the last two months and have displaced more than 500,000 people, according to officials.
- About 400 of the 1200 deaths have been reported since the start of August
- 30 million people have been impacted, with 517,678 living in relief camps
- 150 bridges connecting cities and districts are destroyed
Thousands of marooned people are being evacuated by rescuers, aided by troops, according to the National Disaster Management Authority.
Tens of thousands of agricultural lands and crops were flooded, and a large number of livestock also died. People have lost their livelihoods and are now totally dependent on humanitarian assistance. People are in immediate need of water, food, medical assistance, and shelter. The poorest and most vulnerable are on the frontline of the crisis.