This suit for Administration, Account, Partition and Permanent Injunction has been filed by the plaintiffs above named against the defendants.
2. Briefly facts of the present suit, as disclosed in the plaint, are that the plaintiffs are real sons and daughters of deceased Yousuf Ali Khan and Shahida Begum, who both expired on 17.05.1997 and 21.03.2004 respectively. At the time of death they left behind the following moveable and immoveable properties-.
Moveable & immoveable properties which belonged to deceased Yousuf Ali Khan are as under :-
A. Flat No. C-1, first floor, Sunni Arcade Block 7, Gulshane-Iqbal Karachi valued at Rs. 09,00000/-
B. Flat No. D-4, Noman Plaza, Block II, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi valued at Rs. 11,00000/-
C. Plot bearing No. C-35, Block 40/B, Scheme No. 36, Gulistan-e-Jauhar Karachi valued at Rs. 10,00000/-
D. Vehicle FX Suzuki, bearing Registration No.G-1818, valued at Rs.75,000/-.
Moveable & immoveable properties which belonged to deceased Shahida Begum are as under :-
A. Mukkaram Market constructed on Plot R-50,
Sector 5-C/4, Karachi, consisting of house
and seven shops valued at Rs. 35,00000/-
B. Bank account with Allied Bank Limited,
Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi valued Rs. 9,00000/-
C. Locker No. 97/145, in Allied Bank Ltd.
Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal
Karachi – Gold valued at Rs. 9,00000/-
Cash Rs. 1,00000/-.
3. It is the case of the plaintiffs that the defendant No.4 on 27.03.2004 filed an application before Manager Allied Bank Limited Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi regarding locker No. 97/145. The Plaintiffs also moved an application on 12.04.2004 before sub-Registrar T Division XIV, Karachi regarding transfer of property. The defendants are the real brothers and sisters of the plaintiffs and plaintiffs and defendants are real sons and daughters and legal heirs of the deceased. After death of the deceased father and mother the defendants and plaintiffs are enjoying possessory rights over the above mentioned moveable and immoveable properties.