Around 10:00pm. This also changes with the seasons, like my wakeup time. I go to bed a little later in the summer and a little earlier in the winter.
Kate Nafisi · Designer, Finisher
At 9:00pm I stop whatever I’m doing, whether I’m working in the workshop, eating dinner, or hanging out with friends. (I’m like Cinderella at midnight… but at 9:00pm.) At 10:00pm the lights are out, and I’m in bed with my eyes closed.
Most of my life I was a night owl, so it surprised me that I could change. Now I like to “sleep early, rise early” like the birds do.
Abi and I try to maximize our relaxation time together before bed as much as possible, because it’s so good to have a long laugh before you sleep. Sometimes Abi and I are so excited by a new commission that we can’t stop talking pillow to pillow in the dark, but we try not to push it later than 11:00pm. We love what we do, and so work feels more like playtime.

I have an alarm set for 9:00pm to get myself ready for bed, and another alarm set for 9:30 to get into bed. Usually, a bit of reading and then lights out by 10:00pm is ideal.