Over the last two months, my parents stayed over at our two bedroom apartment. They were visiting from Canada in anticipation for Sara, and have been a huge help. Last week, a thought crossed my mind and I asked:
If we made that step, we could be pretty irresponsible and still come out ahead. We could buy something nice almost everyday. We can eat out everyday if we wanted, or we could just save up and leave our heirs a huge estate.
Actually, It’s More Than the Finances
I will be honest. At first, having my parents over took getting used to. I would bump into my parents on my way to get coffee. I would share the room with my wife as she nursed and I worked, and I would compromise on what to watch on TV every night.
But you know what? It actually made our family closer. It’s been years since I talked to my parents as often and for as long as I have in the past two months. We had our disputes, but we were the happiest people most of the time. That’s a real family. The other polite alternative we’ve been practicing for years because we were in different countries and speaking to each other was a challenge? Not as much.

I know that living with your parents is often looked down upon in this country. But if spending more time with your parents is somehow a sin, then we should be fine with that.