Angel Jibreel – The Memoirs of a West African Muslimah

By | September 4, 2024

I’m going to talk to you about one of my favourite persons in the world. Well he probably doesn’t qualify as a person because he is an angel. Literally.

Angels are beings I spend an unusual amount of time thinking about. They are frequently on my mind; the ones taking account on my sides, the ones protecting my front and back. The one I undoubtedly think about the most is the angel of death but i’m not here to talk about him. I’m here to talk about Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) A.S; one of the greatest creations of Allah.

My knowledge of angels in general are very limited (as it should be) but with the help of Sheikh Omar Suleiman, I’ve happened to acquire a lot more knowledge about angel Jibreel from a 3 hour lecture he taught on him.

The lecture was recorded but only bayyinah institute students can access the video. I had to share some of this knowledge. I took pages and pages of notes because there was a lot of information I was coming across for the first time. If you are someone that contemplates a lot about everything that relates to the unseen world (jannah, jahannam, angels, jinns, period in the grave e.t.c) then you’ll find this very consoling.

The strange incident of Hazrat Gabriel's speed

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