To my dearest and loving mother,
When I was still a child, you have always asked me, how much I love you. At first, I was hesitant to answer this question because I do not know the real meaning of love until you taught me gradually, unknowingly.
True love is never selfish, it is selfless: just like how you offer your whole life taking care of us, your seven children and your lawfully husband. You were my first teacher who taught me how to walk, run, read, write, count and draw. You are only one but you can multiply yourself eight times whenever we need your help. Whenever I look for something which I can hardly find, you’re the very first person to discover where it is. I think it’s time for you to find the right person for me, just kidding.
Growing up as a teenager, I have always wondered how I and my six other siblings were able to fit in your tummy. Now that I’m all grown up, I understood how we fit in because you are our mother. Your body have endured and surpassed all the struggles of bearing us into your womb. It’s your unconditional love for us which fueled you to the journey of motherhood. As I have undergone the stage of adolescent, we had our disagreements and clash of emotions. However, your unwavering support have showered me still up until I finished my degree and landed a job. I learned from you that true love surpasses all the struggles that come in your way.
Now that I am a young adult, seeing you grow old with all your grey hair and saggy skin, made me realize one thing, you are the most beautiful mother I’ve ever seen. Even you have poor eyesight now, you never fail to recognize our voices, faces and even our quiet moments. Then I realized, true love knows no imperfections.
As I look into your eyes, I see a fighter and a mother who tirelessly offer her life to us. Thank you because you never give up fighting as our mother. Thank you for raising us, your children, and providing our needs. Even though your eyesight may deteriorate however your sacrifices to us are crystal clear and always prevail. Now I know why mothers are created. Mothers are created because they represent God’s love.