An old woman used to beg in front of the mosque. A person asked him if one of her sons is not able to earn. So this old woman said yes, then why are you begging here? The old woman said that her husband has passed away. My son has gone abroad for a job.
had given me some money for going expenses, she is spent, That is why I am begging. The man asked – Does your son not send you anything? The old woman said – Every month my son sends colorful paper which I stick on the wall at home. The man went to his house and found 60 bank drafts pasted on the wall. Each draft was for Rs 50,000.
Being uneducated, the woman did not know how much wealth she had. When this person explained the importance of the draft to her, the woman was very happy and surprised and worried that despite having wealth, she kept on begging.
Our situation is also like this old woman We have the Quran and we kiss it with our mouth and put it on our forehead and keep it in our house But we can benefit from it only if we read it, They will understand its meaning and interpretation and bring it into their practical life.