“When people do not really believe in the God of the Bible, they end up making a god out of themselves.They become their own god. They decide, “I’m going to run my world by myself. I am going to make all my decisions. I’m going to run my life.”A person who is that self-centered and self-focused is the kind of person whom Satan will ultimately indwell and empower to be the final world ruler in the end times.
This rebellious Antichrist will sit in the temple of God and insist that he be worshipped as God.“This secular Antichrist from the former Roman Empire will come to power after the rapture.
This means I am not looking for the Antichrist today. I am looking for Jesus Christ. I am not even looking for the undertaker. I am looking for the upper-taker—the Lord,
who is coming to call us home to be with Him. But once the rapture occurs, the center of world power will shift, and the old Roman Empire predominantly represented today by the European Union—will suddenly dominate the Western world.”
“The New Testament alone refers to this awesome event 321 times—in one out of every thirty verses