Whether you are just launching a new business or you’re a veteran entrepreneur, the challenges of how to best reach your customers is an all too familiar pain.
With constant changes in marketing and advertising, it may feel like it’s hard to keep up with all the mediums and avenues to choose from.
But despite all the options available, one channel that continues to be a worthwhile investment is newspapers.
Before diving into all the advantages of newspaper advertising, it’s important to note how readers consume newspapers.
51% of the newspaper audience read print only, and 6% read the paper on their mobile device.
More than 169 million U.S. adults read the newspaper on a monthly basis – either digital or print.
So, even through technological advances, many people still prefer the traditional print format for news.
What is Newspaper Advertising?
Newspaper advertising has been the longest-running form of advertising available for businesses to market their products and services.
There are a lot of variables that go into a newspaper ad, depending on your goals. But, mostly, newspaper advertising is running an ad for your business in a publication – either print or digital.
While it may seem like a straightforward and intuitive process, there are things every business owner needs to be aware of to effectively market and advertise in a news publication.
From the different types of newspaper ads you can run to the design and best-kept newspaper advertising secrets, we’ll cover everything you need to know in this article.
Let’s jump in!