Marrying an older woman may not necessarily be a common decision in today’s society, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not a rewarding decision.
Regardless of the age gap, marrying an older woman can bring you many benefits, not least because old women tend to be more self-aware, confident, clearer about what they want and more emotionally stable.
But, if you think that marrying an older woman will ensure that you will be cared for and nurtured and have all your needs met, you will be disappointed.
Older women who date younger men are most certainly not the kind of women who need to nurture to validate themselves!
They are over that.
There are many surprising advantages of marrying an older woman. Let’s read about some of the best ones in this article.
Is it wise to marry an older woman?
Marrying an older woman can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience for many couples. Age should not be the only factor in making such an important decision.
Licensed Professional Counselor and Relationship Coach Christiana Njoku mentions,