Actress Nadia Jamil’s defeat of cancer may be the fruit of her good deeds

By | July 5, 2023

The Express Tribune caught up with Nadia Jamil about her extraordinary battle as she looked back on her journey that, as she feels, wrought her anew.

ET: When you look back at your closest brush with “death”, cancer, please tell us what do you now see from a safe distance – present?

NJ: An intensely painful journey to healing in ways I never even knew I needed to.

ET: Could you please call to your mind – If it’s not triggering or intruding over intimate aspects of it – and tell us about what must’ve been a languorous wait for your result?

NJ: I was diagnosed on March 31. I remember suspecting it the night I felt the lump. It was a very alien, hard pea in my breast. I had been doing regular self-checks and felt the ominous strangeness of it immediately.

ET: You have said it on more than one occasion that the sight of a tree – buffeted by storms, pelted with heavy rains and forever beholden to the whims of weather – deepen the credo of your life. Tell us what trees mean for you? Where did that come from?

Nadia Jamil's Extraordinary Battle With Cancer