Sometimes, truth be told, the world can be a little unkind and even unfair. Walk around in any major city in the United States, for example, and you’ll see hundreds of homeless people living on the street. Every day they’re there, living desperate and degrading lives while hanging onto their meager possessions. And all the while, people who have money, and food, and a home to live in, pass them by without giving them even a glance. There’s no consideration for any acts of generosity.
It’s not just the homeless either who are in desperate straits. Millions of families across the country, and the world, are barely scraping by. Restaurant workers, Uber drivers, gas station attendants, cashiers and so many more, scores of whom have families to feed, are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Immigrants who barely speak English, senior citizens living alone, men and women suffering from deadly or life-threatening diseases.
If you think about it long enough, it’s a situation that might just make you want to cry. But then, as if out of the blue, someone comes along with acts of generosity and kindness that restore your faith in humanity.
What are acts of generosity?

If you’re not sure what acts of generosity are, you haven’t been paying close enough attention to the news. It seems like, almost every week, there are new reports that a restaurant worker somewhere in America was given a massive tip on a tiny bill. Examples are everywhere you look. Danielle Franzoni of Alpena, Michigan received a $2020.00 tip on a $23.00 check in December of 2019. A very generous man in 2013 went coast-to-coast giving anonymous, and massive, tips at bars and restaurants everywhere he went, including one for $2500.00