God’s system is one of the culture and strategic way God does things.
The Environment of a Man is too polluted for even a child of God can stay in
That’s one of the reason why God’s system takes a long way on how we shape
our life’s .
Jeremiah 17 vs 5 says ” Thus says the Lord ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man
and make flesh his strength,who heart departs from the Lord”… This simplifies that Curse
be the man that trust in the system of a man
There is a system of Man and there is a system of God. If you’re not in alignment with
System of God, one may likely forsake heavenly standard. God system inhabit is word and his
presence. The System of God is not the system of Man…
Bible says Isaiah 55 vs 8-9′” As Heaven is higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

The doings of God is not the same as the doing of Men. He has his own way moving and relating with his people
God’s system is a cabinet and a domain of God act where is presence is ultimately felt. We all have to gap to this realm of His system. This is a Kingdom arrangement of his power and manifestation and a canal man cannot see this
There are three Channels of God’s System