Holy family hospital was established in 1948 and has been affiliated with Rawalpindi Medical University since 1977. It is an 1000 bedded hospital situated in Satellite Town. It has departments of Medicine, Surgery, Eye, ENT, Pediatrics, Gynecology & obstetrics, Plastic Surgery, Infectious Diseases, Multi Organ Failure Department, Peads Surgery, Triage System in ER, Rescue 1122 Center, Blue Code Team, First Response Team, Electronic Data Base System. An excellent library exists for reference purposes. This includes the new block with state of art radiology facility. The clinical teaching has now moved completely to these premises.
How HFH was initiated and established at Rawalpindi, is very interesting and thought provoking. It was way back in 1837 that Agnes Mc Laren was born in Edinburgh and very soon, while still a young girl, she developed interest in ailing humanity and desired to become a doctor. She had to study medicine in France, as the medical schools in British Islets were not open to women,
at that time. In later life she became highly compassionate about the obstetric plight of Muslim women and their children in the north of India, an area now in Pakistan. By raising funds she founded the ‘Medical Mission Committee’ in London, particularly for this purpose. It was by her dedication that St. Catherine hospital was opened in 1909, behind the Presentation Convent,
at Rawalpindi. Dr. Angus Mc Laren had specially supported a young Austrian Dr. Anna Dangel, who proceeded to Rawalpindi to work in this hospital, single handed, for years. She was so loving and welcoming, that even the young girls of Rawalpindi knew her
well as ‘sister Ann’ and learned crochet and embroidery of European style from her, in addition to the treatment they and their mothers received from her. Sister Anna Dangel in her turn founded the ‘ Medical Mission of Sisters’ in 1925 in U.S.A and was herself elevated to ‘Mother Anna Dangel’.