A King Who Fled in Fear of the Plague

By | June 13, 2024

Once upon a time, in a grand kingdom nestled between towering mountains and vast deserts, there reigned a powerful and benevolent king. His palace was a marvel of architectural brilliance, and his subjects revered him for his wisdom and fairness. However, even the mightiest of rulers are not immune to the terrors that nature can unleash. This is the tale of a king who fled in fear of the plague.

The kingdom had enjoyed many years of peace and prosperity under his rule. The fields were green with abundant crops, trade routes thrived, and the people were content. But then, news arrived of a deadly plague sweeping across neighboring lands, leaving a trail of death and despair in its wake. The dreaded disease knew no boundaries and spared no one, rich or poor, young or old. Fear spread through the kingdom like wildfire.

بنو امیہ کا بادشاہ عبدالملک بن مروان جب ملک شام میں طاعون کی وبا پھیلی تو موت کے ڈر سے گھوڑے پر سوار ہو کر اپنے شہر سے بھاگ نکلا اور ساتھ میں اپنے خاص غلام اور کچھ فوج بھی لے لی اور وہ طاعون کے ڈر سے اس قدر خائف اور ہراساں تھا کہ زمین پر پاؤں نہیں رکھتا تھا بلکہ گھوڑے کی پشت پر سوتا تھا۔ دورانِ سفر ایک رات اس کو نیند نہیں آئی۔ تو اس نے اپنے غلام سے کہا کہ تم مجھے کوئی قصہ سناؤ۔

تو ہوشیار غلام نے بادشاہ کو نصیحت کرنے کا موقع پا کر یہ قصہ سنایا کہ ایک لومڑی اپنی جان کی حفاظت کے لئے ایک شیر کی خدمت گزاری کیا کرتی تھی تو کوئی درندہ شیر کی ہیبت کی وجہ سے لومڑی کی طرف دیکھ نہیں سکتا تھا۔ اور لومڑی نہایت ہی بے خوفی اور اطمینان سے شیر کے ساتھ زندگی بسر کرتی تھی۔ اچانک ایک دن ایک عقاب لومڑی پر جھپٹا تو لومڑی بھاگ کر شیر کے پاس چلی گئی۔ اور شیر نے اس کو اپنی پیٹھ پر بٹھالیا۔ عقاب دوبارہ جھپٹا اور لومڑی کو شیر کی پیٹھ پر سے اپنے چنگل میں دبا کر اڑ گیا۔ لومڑی چلا چلا کر شیر سے فریاد کرنے لگی تو شیر نے کہا کہ اے لومڑی! میں زمین پر رہنے والے درندوں سے تیری حفاظت کرسکتا ہوں لیکن آسمان کی طرف سے حملہ کرنے والوں سے میں تجھے نہیں بچا سکتا۔

یہ قصہ سن کر عبدالملک بادشاہ کو بڑی عبرت حاصل ہوئی اور اس کی سمجھ میں آگیا کہ میری فوج ان دشمنوں سے تو میری حفاظت کرسکتی ہے جو زمین پر رہتے ہیں مگر جو بلائیں اور وبائیں آسمان سے مجھ پر حملہ آور ہوں، ان سے مجھ کو نہ میری بادشاہی بچا سکتی ہے نہ میرا خزانہ اور نہ میرا لشکر میری حفاظت کرسکتا ہے۔ آسمانی بلاؤں سے بچانے والا تو بجز خدا کے اور کوئی نہیں ہوسکتا۔ یہ سوچ کر عبدالملک بادشاہ کے دل سے طاعون کا خوف جاتا رہا اور وہ رضاء الٰہی پر راضی رہ کر سکون و اطمینان کے ساتھ اپنے شاہی محل میں رہنے لگا۔

The king, usually a paragon of courage and determination, found himself gripped by an unshakable dread. He had heard of the horrors that the plague wrought—the agonizing deaths, the cries of the suffering, and the sight of lifeless bodies piling up in the streets. His mind conjured images of his beloved kingdom turning into a land of desolation.

Advisors and courtiers noticed the change in their king. The once confident and composed ruler now appeared anxious and restless. He convened an urgent meeting with his council, seeking their counsel on how to protect the kingdom from the approaching menace.

“Your Majesty,” said one of the senior advisors, “we must prepare our defenses and establish quarantines. We can restrict travel and trade to minimize the risk of the plague entering our borders.”

Another advisor suggested, “We should seek divine intervention and hold prayers and rituals to appease the gods and ask for their protection.”

But despite the wisdom of his advisors, the king’s fear only grew. He could not bear the thought of watching his people suffer and die. In a moment of weakness, he made a decision that would change the course of his reign.

One night, under the cover of darkness, the king quietly left the palace. He took with him a small group of loyal guards and trusted servants. They fled to the safety of a remote fortress high in the mountains, far away from the reach of the plague. The king believed that by isolating himself, he could escape the horrors that awaited his kingdom.

Back in the capital, the news of the king’s departure spread quickly. The people felt abandoned and leaderless. Panic and confusion reigned as they struggled to make sense of their ruler’s actions. Without the king’s guidance, the kingdom’s defenses faltered, and the plague soon breached their borders.

The once-thriving kingdom was plunged into chaos. The plague spread mercilessly, claiming lives and decimating entire communities. The streets that were once bustling with activity became eerily silent, save for the wails of those who had lost loved ones.

From his mountain fortress, the king watched the devastation unfold. Guilt and regret consumed him as he realized the full extent of his failure. He had abandoned his people in their darkest hour, driven by his own fear. The fortress’s isolation could not shield him from the plague of sorrow and remorse that now plagued his heart.

In time, the kingdom began to recover, but it was forever changed. The scars of the plague remained, a stark reminder of the king’s flight and the price of his fear. The people, though resilient, never forgot the day their king had fled. The once-great ruler’s legacy was tarnished, his name now spoken with a mixture of sorrow and disappointment.

This tale serves as a poignant reminder that true leadership is tested in times of crisis. Courage, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to one’s duties define a ruler’s legacy far more than the grandeur of their palace or the extent of their power. In the end, the king’s flight from the plague became a lesson in the importance of facing one’s fears, no matter how overwhelming they may seem, for the sake of those who depend on you.

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