A Friend who had been Living Abroad for a Long Time

By | November 14, 2022

Expats who move abroad have many challenges to navigate. Perhaps the most difficult — yet most essential when it comes to overall satisfaction with expat life — is finding friends who act as a source of support and companionship. Here is how one expat approached this challenge after her move to Australia.

A Brave Decision

Dana was born and raised in Kuwait. Coming from one of the world’s most volatile regions, she longed to live in a more peaceful and stable environment. So, she decided to move abroad and start her life in a new place, in a safe and beautiful country, as far away as possible from war and conflict. Her love for koalas and kangaroos led her to choose a faraway continent on the other side of the world: Australia.

When Dana first arrived in Sydney, she was completely alone and didn’t know a soul. Life there was very different from what she was used to, and there were many things she had to adapt to. Both the environment and the culture were completely new. Reflecting on the beginning of her expat journey,

Dana says: “I had to get used to the idea of having everything upside down . . . The streets are on the other side, and seasons are the opposite.” While it was overwhelming to live in a large city without knowing anyone, Dana was determined to make it work.

A Friend who had been Living Abroad for a Long Time