Why is it that when you are in a relationship, temptation lingers? It’s like testing the faithfulness definition of a couple. Nowadays, we are seeing more and more married couples leading to divorce because of issues and one of the most common problems here is faithfulness.
It’s not like we intend to be unfaithful to our spouses, no one plans this ahead so it’s a surprise when it happens but can you really call it an accident? Is it really fate to meet someone else or just poor choices and lack of fidelity to your vows? Do you know that there are many ways to define fidelity and there are also ways to strengthen it?
What is faithfulness?
Faithfulness means being faithful or having fidelity in marriage and to your vows.
We may know the word, we may have even said it a lot of times, but what does it really mean to be faithful to your spouse? Most often, we use this term to define a spouse or a partner that will not commit adultery but did you know that there is so much more to this word?

3 faithful definitions of marriage
In marriage, faithfulness definition isn’t limited to not committing adultery. In fact, we can group the real meaning of being faithful in 3 categories.
Let’s see the different ways on how you can be faithful to your spouse