Can we wash Pak and NaPak Clothes at once

By | September 1, 2019

The first method is to wash and clean the impurity of clothes before they are put in washing machine. The second method is to put the impure clothes in the machine and squeeze them thrice (by the machine or hand) then the clothes shall turn clean and paak. The clothes shall not turn clean only by squeezing once.The bath tub shall turn impure by putting unclean clothes in it.

If the clothes are taken out from it and are washed three times with three new water and are squeezed each time then they will turn paak; otherwise they will not turn clean merely by washing three times in the water of tub.

Pets may occasionally have accidents and soil your clothes or bedding with urine. Cats are not only particularly prone to this, but their urine has an odor that is very hard to remove,

especially if it is dried and set-in. More than one homeowner has had a feline who chooses to use a basket of laundry as a substitute for a litter box, and loose clothes lying around a bedroom can also be a target…

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