Having an upset tummy is probably the worst feeling ever whether it’s nausea, vomiting or just a general icky sensation due to a stomach bug you caught or something you ate. All you want now is to feel better ASAP. While it’s a good inkling to keep your diet simple during this gruesome time, certain foods can essentially help soothe your belly.
As compiled from Self and Health magazines, here’s a guide to what the experts strongly recommend to calm tummy troubles.
There’s a purpose behind bananas being the recommended energy booster for marathon runners: bananas are easily digestible and generally do not upset the stomach. The universal family-staple contains potassium, which you may need if you’re dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea, says Robynne Chutkan, an assistant professor in the division of gastroenterology at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC.
They also contain sugar so you get calories at a time when you’re probably not eating much. The fruit is scientifically proven to aid with stomach issues since they contain pectin, which helps to naturally firm bowel movements.
Papaya: Yet, another reason to love the Papeete. Consuming this enzyme-vitamin-heavyweight helps encourage healthy digestion, eases painful indigestion and heartburn (that results in aches and cramps), and also alleviates constipation.
The magic is in the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which help break down proteins and soothe the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment.