Double Sided Mirror In Ladies Washrooms

By | June 11, 2020

The owner of a Chicago bar with a creepy secret has said it was just part of his ‘fun-house’ theme. But from lazy sexist laughs to Bill Cosby’s rape jokes, comedians have often treated women as a joke.fter her set at a Chicago bar last weekend, comedian Tamale Rocks made a sickening discovery in the women’s toilets. Directly facing the toilet was a full-length mirror (always awkward to get acquainted with your own peeface,

but not intrinsically sinister), behind the full-length mirror was a door (sure, fine), and behind the door was a dingy passage filled with cleaning supplies – the perfect vantage point to (potentially)

check out the urethral openings of unsuspecting, unconsenting women through what, it turned out, was a two-way mirror. Horrified, Rocks documented the apparent privacy violation in a short video,

which she later uploaded to YouTube. “Here’s to being a lady in comedy, am I right?” she quips at the video’s close.Ronnie Lottz, owner of the bar (which, by the way, is called Cigars and Stripes,

because my nation is a cornucopia of elegance and restraint), reportedly told Rocks that the mirror was “a continuation of the creepy-fun-house theme of his establishment” and “used to feature a monster head that lit up through the two-way mirror,

scaring ladies as they used the restroom”. Ha ha ha ha, delightful! Because there’s nothing women like better than being taken by surprise, in private, while their genitals are exposed – except, perhaps, having your privacy violated by club owners named Ronnie!

Double Sided Mirror In Ladies Washrooms