This is part 2 of my Dua Series. Read part 1, Why I Love Dua As A Muslima to see how I implement duas in my daily life.
The Prophet PBUH mentioned that Allah descends to the lowest heaven and says,
“Who is calling Me so I can answer him? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it to him?…” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Do you sometimes wonder why your duas don’t get answered? Maybe there’s something more to simply saying dua and hoping for the best. I did some research for my own dua and I discovered that there are ways to get your dua answered more effectively.
- Firstly, there are situations where your dua is accepted.
- Secondly, there are times when your dua is accepted.
- Thirdly, there there are prerequisites for your dua to be accepted.
The scholars have mentioned that if you find yourself to be in any of the situations below, it is ideal for your dua to be accepted.