During winter, we apply moisturizers and creams to our hands, neck, and face however pass up the most significant part, the feet, in this way causing cracked heels. Monica Sood, Managing Director of the excellence brand TBC by Nature, shared some simple hacks to keep our feet and heels delicate and delicate this winter.Oil knead: Oils are the best regular lotions, for dry feet as well as anyplace on the body.
You can either utilize any hydrogenated oil alone or blend them to get included advantages of their various components.Glycerine and rosewater: Glycerine is one of the best creams that one can envision.
Applying glycerine on cracked heels can quicken the mending procedure also.Mix together one tablespoon of glycerine with two teaspoons of rosewater and a large portion of a teaspoon of newly separated lemon juice. Apply this blend on your heels and wear a couple of clean socks.
You ought to pursue this remedy just before you get some shut-eye. It can give you smooth and delicate heels with no breaks.Oats jojoba oil remedy: Another great exfoliating foot cover can be made utilizing ground cereal and jojoba oil.
Crush a tablespoon of cereal in your blender, empty it into a bowl and add jojoba oil to make a thick glue. Back rub this into the harmed skin on your feet, and put your feet up for 30 minutes. At the point when the time is up, flush your feet with cool water.