The world we live in is an ingrained social system that in all aspects of life be it professional or personal is male-dominated. A male-dominated society is bound to be following a patriarchal societal system where the rule makers are mostly men, and sadly there lies the problem. The decision-makers and the hierarchy below them are also male-dominated and hence women are not considered a part of society, and the rules made only favor the men. Not just India, the world is patriarchal,
but unfortunately India today is now becoming a more and more unequal society and an unsafe and unharmonious place for women. In this essay on issues and problems faced by women in India, we will dive deep into them and understand the causes and problems. It can be a short essay or a long challenge women face today. This will provide deeper insight into the issue and help us learn some ways to tackle the issues.
This is a long challenge women face today for an in-depth understanding in clear words and simple language that can be of help to every student who intends to gain knowledge on this subject.
Our country India very proudly claims to be living in the motherland and worship various woman deities and goddesses but the dire concern of this is women sadly do not get the same respect and equal status.
Even while living in the country with the largest democracy in the world, the women in India fight a fight much harder than a man can even conceive it to be. Indian women’s problems are not just limited to social rights, the problems are widespread even in workplaces and homes. The problems are infinite and are only rising by the day, let us understand some of them.
The problems that the generation that came much before us faced included sati-practice which is when a woman is set on fire because when her husband dies she cannot be safe in a society. The sati practice has been banned and even after many governments have changed the cruelty towards women has not faded. The sad part is, it has taken various gruesome forms that affect women physically, mentally and socially.