A Very Sinful Man Went To Perform Hajj

By | September 23, 2024

The thirty-eighth of the Greater sins is to consider Hajj insignificant and not to give it due importance. This has been recorded in the tradition of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a) by Amash and in the tradition of Imam al-Ridha (‘a) by Fazl Ibn Shazan.

Since Hajj is also an obligatory article of faith, what is true of avoiding prayers and zakat also applies to Hajj, viz. a person who refuses to acknowledge it as an obligatory duty is a Kafir and the one who does not fulfill this duty, due to laziness, carelessness or excessive involvement in worldly affairs has committed a great sin. Hajj is highly emphasised as a religious duty of tremendous importance. Indifference towards it is sacrilege.

Delay From The Year Of Capability Is Haram

Hajj is from those obligatory duties that must be performed immediately, if it is possible to do so. Not only is failure to perform Hajj a greater sin, but postponing it, is also a greater sin, even if it be for a year. Hajj has to be performed the very year, in which one is capable of doing so.

Muhaqiq says in Shariatul Islam that delay from the year of capability is a deadly (Great) sin. Shahid Thani (the second Martyr) says in Masalik, “There is no difference of opinion among the Shi’a Scholars regarding this matter and there are sufficient proofs from the Qur’an and traditions that delay from the year of capability is a Greater Sin.” It is therefore clear that any delay in performing Hajj amounts to not giving it the importance which is due to it.

Qur’anic ayats and traditions of Ma’sumin (‘a) equate failure to perform Hajj with infidelity. It is a denial of Allah (S.w.T.) and a sort of polytheism. The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an,

“…and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.” (Surah Ali- ‘Imran 3:97).

Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) says,

“By the words ‘whoever disbelieves’ is meant the one who does not perform it.”

‘Ali Ibn Ja’far records in his Sahih that, “My brother Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far (‘a) says,

‘Indeed, the Almighty Allah has made Hajj incumbent on those who are capable. That is if they do not perform Hajj in the year of capability the omitted Hajj will become incumbent on them every year till the end of their lives.’”

For further explanation of this statement the book Urwathul Wuthqa can be referred.

‘Ali Ibn Ja’far says: I asked Imam (‘a) whether those of us who did not perform Hajj would become infidels? Imam (‘a) said,

“No, but the one who denies Hajj and does not give it due importance. He shall be a Kafir.”

A very Sinful Man Went To Perform Hajj

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