I Felt Helpless When My Father Was Battling Cancer

By | September 20, 2024

Hi, I’m not really sure how to start this… I’m 24, my dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in August 2016, and it’s safe to say I have really struggled with everything since that point. He had chemo until Dec 2016 and had his stem cell transplant in Feb 2017. The chemo has had such a harsh affect on his body that he is not very mobile anymore and can’t do a lot by himself. 

He is just not the dad I knew before and sometimes on a bad day that really upsets me. I work full time but take as much time off as I can to help, and I spend my evenings and weekends with him. I don’t have a lot of help and sometimes I find it hard to look after myself and also do everything else. 

I find it hard talking to my friends because I constantly feel like a broken record when I talk about my feelings and there isn’t much they can say so I guess they feel a little helpless. I feel very isolated as I’m always so stressed and upset about what’s happening.

I feel like at some point it should get easier but all of a sudden I’ve blinked, it has been a year and I just feel like my state of mind hasn’t improved. I do my best to stay positive and happy when I’m with my dad because he needs me to be strong, but when I’m on my own that’s when I get upset. I think it’s because it’s all bottled up.

I Felt Helpless When My Father Was Battling Cancer

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