Was Adam (as) predestined to eat from the forbidden tree

By | April 8, 2024

Assalam o Alaikum brothers,

Someone just asked me a question, and to be frank, I didn’t have a substantial reply. I’m also quiet confused now regarding this topic.

I understand that Allah swt in surah Baqarah 2:30 speaks about creating a Khalifa (vicegerent) on the earth. This was prior to creating Adam (as).

I understand that Allah Swt gave Adam (as) free will.

Iblees (Laanatallah Alayhi) however, decieved Adam (as) to disobey Allah swt by eating from the forbidden tree. This is as I personally understand, the only reason for him to be expelled from heaven and sent down to earth.

Now here is where I’m confused astagfirullah! If Allah swt even prior to creating Adam (as) had already decided to send Adam (as) to earth as seen in Surah Baqarah 2:30. Does this mean that Allah swt had pre destined Adam (as) to disobey? Because if He hadn’t, and if Adam (as) wouldn’t have disobeyed, he wouldn’t be expelled from heaven right? Or would he be expelled regardless of his disobedience?

To summarize, from what little I understand, Allah prior to creating Adam(as) willed to create a being whom he would place in the earth as a Khalifa. But the only way that Adam (as) would be expelled is by disobedience to Allah. So Adam (as) didn’t really have a choice?

And if Adam (as) didn’t eat from the tree, would he still be in heaven

Was Adam (as) predestined to eat from the forbidden tree