Genghis Khan Hero or Villain

By | March 9, 2024

Genghis Khan Hero or Villain?
th Grade World History
Ooltewah Middle School
Ooltewah, Tennessee
Jane Hill
7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan.
Class Periods & Time Needed:
Two 50-minute class periods

  • Students will be able to determine the characteristics needed to rule a vast land.
  • Students will be able to explain how the Mongol empire affected trade.
  • Students will be able to explain changes that occurred in countries as a result of the Mongol
    Start-Up Students will enter the class room to a Start-Up or Warm-Up question written on the board or
    typed on the overhead. Start-Up question reads: “Describe the basic survival skills learned at an early
    age and practiced by the Mongol people.” Students will quietly work to answer the start-up question on
    their own paper for 3 minutes. Possible answers to the question will be discussed with group partners (1
    minute) then discussed with whole class (1-2 minutes).
    Investigation Students should be placed into groups of 3-4. Each group will be given a packet
    containing the 4 resource materials about the history of Genghis Khan. The source materials have varying
    lengths and reading levels. Instructors have the choice to assign specific resource materials to specific
    students based on ability and need or they may allow student groups to choose their own article from the
    packet. Students will read their article and as they independently read they will identify items that are
    considered positive as well as negative deeds and accomplishments of the Mongolian leader Genghis
    Khan. These identified items will be written on their own paper into a T-bar graphic organizer with the
    titles Positives and Negatives in the form of bullet points. (20-30 minutes). Upon the completion of the
    individual T-bars, students will work in their 3-4 man groups to compile their individual items into group
    data on an anchor chart size T-bar using markers. (10-15 minutes) Groups will post their anchor chart Tbars around the classroom and each group will verbally share key items from their charts with the whole
    class. (15-20 minutes)
    When Genghis Khan died